Take Command of Your Life.

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-Broken/Abusive + Fatherless Home



-Special needs child

-Suicide ideation

Life has thrown me some unique challenges.


Do you let it define you or fuel your ambition?

Hello everyone, I'm Jay Tiegs. I help high performing military leaders and entrepreneurs/business leaders avoid burnout and improve their productivity.

I utilize my 23 years of military experience developing emerging military leaders and teams to take command of their life through discipline and grit. I believe in taking on difficult challenges in life with persistence and commitment enables people to find great success in life.

I am a transitioning veteran and I share my outlook on life and personal transformation as a speaker, trainer, and high performance coach. I am also a divorced father of triplet 12 year old girls and an endurance athlete who is currently training to run a 100 mile ultra marathon.

I help people take command of their life by weoponizing their focus, improving their productivity by 30%. I help improve their leadership skills and find work/life balance. No more distraction. No more disconnection from family.

I offer mastermind/group coaching and 1:1 coaching through a selection process.

I only work with people I can truly help.

My clients must be:

1. Resourceful- you will move mountains to make things happen.

2. Coachable- open minded to new ideas.

3. Hard Working- you must be able to roll up your sleeves and do some uncomfortable things.

If you tend to be a high performing person but you feel overwhelmed, burned out, or out of alignment then let's talk.

Contact me at: www.jaytiegs.com


What is the Meaning of Life?


I could have, but…Don't let 2020 slip by without growth.